Open a retirement account
Open a retirement account for a client. The account will be opened with the specified account type and the account holder will be the client associated with the specified external ID.
API Key for authentication
Account details
Type of the account
Unique ID of the account holder
List of investment objectives
City of the beneficiary
Country of the beneficiary
Postal code of the beneficiary
State of the beneficiary
Street address of the beneficiary
Date of birth of the beneficiary (YYYY-MM-DD)
External ID of the beneficiary
First name of the beneficiary
Citizenship of the beneficiary
Identification number
Type of identification. It's always SSN
Issuing country for identification
Last name of the beneficiary
City of the beneficiary
Country of the beneficiary
Postal code of the beneficiary
State of the beneficiary
Street address of the beneficiary
Relationship to the account holder
Salutation of the beneficiary
Indicates if the mailing address is the same
Indicates if the spouse is the primary beneficiary
Account holder information
Account holder details
Address details of the account holder
City or locality
Country of the account holder
Postal code of the account holder
State or province. Ex: US-WA
First line of the street address
Second line of the street address
Country of birth of the account holder
Date of birth of the account holder (YYYY-MM-DD)
Email of the account holder
Employment details
Employer name
Employer address city
Employer address country
Employer address postal code
Employer address state
Employer address street
Business of the employer
Occupation of the account holder
Type of employment
Identification details of the account holder
Citizenship of the account holder
Identification number
Type of identification. It's always SSN
Issuing country for identification
Mailing Address details of the account holder
City or locality
Country of the account holder
Postal code of the account holder
State or province. Ex: US-WA
First line of the mailing street address
Second line of the mailing street address
Marital status of the account holder. The marital account status can be one of the following:
: SingleM
: MarriedD
: DivorcedW
: WidowedC
: Common Law Partner
, M
, D
, W
, C
Name details of the account holder
First name of the account holder
Last name of the account holder
Salutation of the account holder
Number of dependents
Phone details of the account holder
Indicates if the mailing address is the same. If false, please provide the mailing address.
Indicates if correct TIN is shown
Indicates if not subject to backup withholding
Indicates if the account holder is a US person
Financial information
Annual net income
Investment experience details
Asset class
Knowledge level
, Limited
, Good
, Extensive
Number of trades per year
Years of trading
Liquid net worth
Net worth
Sources of wealth details
Indicates if the source is used for funds
Percentage of the source
Source type
, SOW-IND-Disability
, SOW-IND-Income
, SOW-IND-Inheritance
, SOW-IND-Interest
, SOW-IND-MarketProfit
, SOW-IND-Pension
, SOW-IND-PropertySale
External ID of the customer
Prefix for the customer. Feather will provide one for your application.
A response message indicating success or failure